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  • Writer's pictureArin Light

The Only One For Me

Man, there are a lot of things coming up this week.

She smoothed out her uniform as she walked through the halls of RAD, finally prepared to go home. Sam didn’t realize how much time had passed while she had been studying in the library. The quiet in the hallways was much different from the usual chatter that filled the demon academy during the day. Of course this meant that any sound also carried through the stone halls. Just as she was about to turn a corner, she caught the sound of a couple of voices, and her curiosity piqued. With careful steps, she let her ears guide her towards the source, wary of interrupting an important conversation.

With each step she took towards the anonymous voices, she found that one voice was starting to sound more and more familiar. Then, it hit her. That voice belonged to the one and only Avatar of Pride. She peeked around a pillar, her brown gaze falling on the sight of the oldest brother standing outside his office. And he wasn’t alone.

She watched from a distance as a small smile graced his handsome features, his gaze fixed on a seemingly flawless girl that was playfully touching his arm. As she watched, the girl leaned closer to him, a giggle leaving her lips as she listened to the Avatar of Pride speak. Sam couldn’t bring herself to look away, her mind racing as she watched the two continue to talk. Tendrils of fear and doubt spread within her.

From where she stood, they looked like the perfect couple. After all, the girl looked so flawless, she could have been a model for all Sam knew. The longer she looked, the stronger her fears and doubts became until she finally tore her gaze away from the pair. Just as she started to turn around, the Avatar of Pride sensed her negative feelings and his red gaze darted towards the pillar she had been standing behind. He barely caught a glimpse of her quickly retreating figure, a small shake of his head revealing his thoughts.

To him, it was ridiculous that she would even get jealous, especially since he had expressed how much he loved her. Nonetheless, he forced a polite smile at the girl who had her hand on his arm pulling away from her without hesitation.

“If you’ll excuse me, I have a few other matters that I have to attend to by tonight.”

Without giving the girl a chance to protest, he went back into his office, shutting the door in her surprised face as he started to plan a way to show Sam how much he truly cares for her.

After all, he cared for her and only her. And if she didn’t know that, that was a failure on his part. And he didn’t accept failure.

While he was working in his office, Sam was rushing on her way home. She wasn’t sure how to feel. On one hand, she was upset. She truly did like him, more than she had anyone else before, and yet, she still thought that he deserved better. Even after, he had confessed to her, told her how much she meant to him, how much he cared about her. But maybe she had misunderstood. Maybe those things meant something different in Devildom. Despite his confession, he hadn’t changed how he acted that much. Things were still the same. Maybe he realized she wasn’t good enough for him, or maybe he had lost interest already. And now she had seen him with someone who seemed flawless by his side. As she reached her room, she quickly shut the door behind her, grateful that she had not run into any of the other brothers. This gave her the chance to keep thinking over her questions. Yet, the biggest one was one that she wasn’t able to answer.

Am I a fool for thinking that he might actually love me?

She’s unaware of how much time passes, but soon enough there was a short series of raps at her door. She stares at it, unwilling to open it as she merely buried herself deeper into her bed, her blanket tightly wrapped around her.

“Sam, may I come in?”


She didn’t want to talk to him. Yet, at the same time, she didn’t want to turn him away. So instead, she just waited. Waited to see what he would do next.

The Avatar of Pride let out a quiet sigh, one that didn’t reach Sam’s ears, as he placed his hand on the door knob. He could sense her presence on the other side of the door. The feelings that he had sense within her earlier were still there, and if anything they were even stronger than before. Lucifer knew that if he left her alone any longer, they would only grow. So, despite the lack of an answer, he pushed the door open, quietly stepping into her room with little hesitation.

“Sam, why didn’t you answer me?”

“Why are you here, Lucifer? Shouldn’t you be with the girl you were with outside your office?”

So that’s what this was about. Lucifer shook his head, his ruby gaze fixed on her as he slowly made his way across the room.

“Why would I be with her when I’ve planned a wonderful evening for just you and me?”

“Are you sure that you should be spending the evening with me?”

“What do you mean?”

His voice was soft as he moved even closer. She turned her face away from him, her voice becoming muffled as she hugged her knees to her chest.

“She seemed quite friendly with you.”

Finally, he was close enough to join her on the bed. He tested the waters slowly, first sitting lightly on the edge of the bed.

“She is merely a student that I had to help as part of my student council duties.”

“You guys looked like a picture perfect couple.”

The Avatar of Pride shook his head once more, his ruby gaze filled with affection as he moved even closer to Sam. A soft smile graced his features as he lifted his hand to play with a lock of her hair.

“Who cares how we look when I only have eyes for you?”

Sam finally looked back at him, her doubt and fear clear in the depths of her brown gaze. Despite her uncertainty, she didn’t move away, a silent invitation for him to continue speaking.

“She truly meant nothing to me. I only spoke with her to fulfill my duties. You, on the other hand, mean so much more to me than you realize. And if I could, I would spend every moment of my day by your side.”

His voice was soft, filled with a quiet reassurance as he moved even closer to her. The affection in his ruby gaze never faltered as he continued to insist that the stranger meant nothing to him, and that Sam was the only one that he carried in his heart. With every sentence, he was showing his love for her. A gentle hand brushing through her hair, a light kiss on the cheek, a convincing tug that pulled her closer to him.

The more he spoke, the more her doubts started to melt away. And with each gesture of affection, she felt her confidence in their love start to build up once more. All plans of going out for the evening were forgotten as Lucifer continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, his arms wrapped around her to keep her close to him.

“I love and care for you more than you could fathom. No matter what you think, you are perfect for me, just the way you are.”

Her eyes widened in surprise as he continued to compliment her, the sincerity in his voice warming her heart. Soon, she had wrapped her own arms around him, a soft smile gracing her features as the last of her doubts and unease melted away in the warmth of his embrace. She rested her head on his chest, the sound of his steady heartbeat bringing her comfort as they cuddled together. As the evening passed, they spent the time talking and enjoying each other’s presence. Every now and then Lucifer would press his lips against the top of her head, or give her a gentle squeeze, silent reassurance that she was the one that he chose. She was the one he wanted to be spending his time with. She was the one that he wanted to be talking to. She was the one that he wanted to give his love to.

And despite the doubts that came at times, she knew that he would do everything in his power to ensure that she always knew how much he cared for her. She smiled softly, nestling closer to him as his quiet words of reassurance once more reached her ears.

“You are my one and only, my eternity, now and to come.”

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