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  • Writer's pictureArin Light

Locked Heart

Commission for @monnomoin on Twitter

Art by @monnomoin on Twitter

Moin gave Barbatos a grateful smile as he handed her the cup of coffee. She remembered the first time she had asked for coffee at the tea party. The way he changed his cup with his unfaltering polite smile, just like the one that graced his lips in the current moment.

A playful spring breeze tugged on her red locks as she took a sip of her coffee, the warm weather making it possible to have the tea party in the garden. Floating candles cast a soothing light over them, adding to the formal yet comfortable ambiance of the tea party. Her gaze was filled with mild curiosity as Diavolo and Lucifer talked about some business. The Demon Lord’s eyes were closed into crescents as he let out a light chuckle, a contrast to Lucifer’s slightly exasperated sigh.

“At least everything ended well, Lucifer. Isn’t that right, Barbatos?”

“Yes, Young Master.”

“As true as that may be, I wish he would learn to be a proper demon by now.”

Ah. They were speaking of the illegal gambling rings Mammon had been involved in. The poor second-born had been strung to the ceiling before they left for the tea party because of it. Moin smiled a little sheepishly, taking another sip of her coffee as she wondered if anyone had helped him down by now. If they hadn’t she would try to do it later.

She took another sip of her coffee, her eyes fluttering shut as she let her thoughts wander. The warm candlelight filtered through the branches of the trees surrounding them, catching on the ring she wore on her left hand. The glint caught Diavolo’s eye, and he leaned forward, the curiosity clear on his expression as he recalled what he had learned about humans and rings in the past.

“I heard that humans have traditions and symbolisms that go with wearing rings.”

Moin quickly opened her eyes, jolting in surprise when she met the golden gaze that was watching her intensely. She nodded in affirmation, waiting to see if he said anything else. Emboldened by her nod, the young Demon Prince continued.

“I’ve also heard that it can vary from nation to nation, so forgive me if I’m wrong, but… Moin, the ring on your fourth finger… Are you married in the Human World?”

Moin almost choked on her coffee, shocked by the sudden question. She set her cup down slowly, a quiet yet dark chuckle leaving her lips. Lucifer fought the urge to arch an eyebrow at her distant look, glancing at Diavolo. The look of concern that flit over the Demon Prince’s features prompted the Avatar of Pride to clear his throat, subtly attempting to remind Moin of her table manners. She flinched slightly, glancing at Lucifer before smiling gratefully at Barbatos who was standing beside her with a clean napkin. The three waited in silence as Moin dabbed at her lips, watching as she fiddled with the napkin in her lap. Moin bit her lip hesitantly, meeting Diavolo’s gaze as she struggled to organize her thoughts.

“Um… No, I’m not married. Although, it is true that the ring on the left ring finger usually means you’re married or engaged to someone. I just…”

She paused, propping her elbows on the table as she looked at both of her rings, one on each hand. Deciding to explain what the rings meant to her, she leaned against her left hand, not noticing Lucifer’s brief look of disapproval. To him, elbows on the table was an act of disrespect, but the young Demon Lord didn’t even bat an eye as he leaned forward, eager to hear her continue. With a small smile, she met Diavolo’s gaze, turning her hand so that he could see the silver ring that decorated her right middle finger.

“The silver ring was given to me by a dear friend. It symbolizes that your true friends will always be there no matter what. Even through ups and downs and broken relationships, my true friends will always be close to my heart. Like this.”

Her smile softened as she clasped her hands together, the silver ring glittering besides the black ring of her left hand as she pulled her hands to her chest. Her smile turned slightly pained as she looked down at her fingers, her gaze fixed on the black ring. As she untangled her fingers, she held up her left hand, watching the way the candle light caught on the dark metal.

“In the human world, people believe that the left ring finger is a symbol of your heart. That’s why when people fall in love, they buy a ring to seal their love for each other.”

Moin looked up briefly to see everyone watching her with interest. The information seemed to be new to them, and it was clear that they were fascinated by this tradition of the Human World. With a deep breath she steeled herself as she continued.

“Those rings are usually silver or gold. But… I got tired of love. Of giving it, and of waiting for it. As I grew up, I learned that love is always fleeting. So I never believed in marriage. That’s why mine is black… I chose it to symbolize sealing my heart.”

Her lips were pressed into a thin line as she glanced down at her ring, unsure of what to say as a silence settled around them. Just as she was about to speak up, her gaze widened in surprise, fixed on the tan hand that now held hers. The Demon Lord’s black nails gleamed beside her black ring, and she felt a slight twinge in her heart as she slowly raised her gaze to meet his wistful look. Diavolo gave her a sad smile as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze with a shake of his head.

“You’re lying, Moin.”

Still trying to process the warmth of his hand enveloping hers, Moin stared at the red-haired prince in surprise and confusion, her lashes fluttering as she blinked rapidly. Diavolo’s sad smile became slightly amused at the expression of obvious shock on Moin’s face. His gaze filled with an encouraging warmth as he brushed a thumb over the black ring on her ring finger.

“You say you’re tired of love, but that’s not true. Look at you. You’re so full of love. Your soul is pure and white, radiating with the love you hold. The love that you showed the brothers. The love that brought them to love you.”

Moin swallowed harshly as she lowered her gaze, her bangs covering her face as she felt tears well up in her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut, a desperate attempt to keep the tears at bay as she tightened her grip on the young prince’s hand. A soft smile graced his features as he gently squeezed her hand, silently showing that he wasn’t going to let go.

“Even Lucifer loves you. Isn’t that right, Lucifer?”

The Avatar of Pride let out a quiet sigh, his ruby gaze fixed on the small girl. His gaze was unreadable as he took in the way she was still bowing her head, her red locks casting a shadow of her eyes. Yet, something seemed to shift within him, his voice soft as he leaned forward to pat Moin’s head.

“Of course.”

Moin looked up at him in surprise, giving him a grateful smile as she wiped away a stray tear with her free hand. Deciding that he had done enough, Lucifer gave her head one last pat before pulling away. Her gaze shifted from Lucifer to Diavolo, before glancing at Barbatos, and finally settling on the hand that was still clasped with Diavolo’s.

“I… I just still can’t believe that I did all of that. I feel like I didn’t do much to deserve-”

Moin broke off in the middle of her sentence as Diavolo pulled her hand to his chest. The steady beating of his heart sent a wave of security over her as he gazed at her with warm golden eyes.


She swallowed harshly, unable to draw her gaze away from the Demon Prince as he continued.

“You deserve it all. I’m so proud of you, Moin. And all of us are grateful for your presence. After all, if it wasn’t for you, who knows how long this farce would have lasted?”

His eyes closed to crescents as he gave a warm smile, his thumb rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.

“I’m glad it was you.”

Moin gave up on fighting her tears, letting them fall freely as she flung her arms around Diavolo’s neck. Once more, a grateful smile tugged on the corners of her lips as she hugged him. Diavolo blinked in surprise, faintly aware of Lucifer and Barbatos sharing a surprised glance themselves. Then a quiet whisper drew his attention back to the one in his arms.

“Thank you…”

He let out a light chuckle, gently returning the embrace as he rubbed her back.

“No, Moin. I should be the one thanking you.”

Lucifer’s expression was blank as he took a sip of his tea, setting the cup back down with careful and controlled movements. His ruby gaze was fixed on the small girl that was not pulling away from the Demon Prince. His grip on the cup tightened ever so slightly as he watched her smile at Lord Diavolo.

She had done so much for him. No, not just him. For all his brothers. An unfamiliar warmth blossomed in his chest as he watched her, but the feeling quickly twisted as Lord Diavolo wiped the tears from Moin’s cheeks.

He was happy to see her smile. Happy that she was there with them. But deep down, he also felt jealous. Jealous that she wasn’t in his arms. Jealous that the smile wasn’t directed at him.

“Is everything alright, Lucifer?”

The quiet voice of the Demon Butler shook the Avatar of Pride out of his thoughts. He glanced at Moin and Lord Diavolo, checking that they hadn’t heard the seemingly harmless question before turning to meet the mossy green gaze that watched him with interest. Barbatos placed a hand on his chin, tilting his head slightly as he awaited an answer. Lucifer placed a hand on his chest, pushing down the feelings that had been rising within him as he responded with a controlled smile.

“Of course.”

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