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  • Writer's pictureArin Light

When I See You Again

His lips were pressed into a thin line as he knelt in front of the gravestone. His fingers brushed over it, tracing over the worn letters written in a language forgotten to most of humanity. How many years had it been? Too many to count for sure.

But no matter how many years passed, the Wise King would never be able to forget the one who had been buried here. The one who had brought life into his life for too short a time. The one he had held close to his heart, only to lose them to the curse known as death.

“It’s been a long day, without you… my friend…”

His blue hues were hidden as his eyes fluttered shut, memories so vivid they felt like they were from yesterday flitting through his mind. Sparkling eyes, fluttering hair, and a bright smile. Memories filled with laughter and joy.

Memories of a past long gone.

A simple spell was murmured, a bouquet of white flowers appearing in his hand, a symbol for the pure soul that belonged to the one buried in the field. He moved instinctively, repeating the movements he always did when visiting as he placed the flowers in front of the worn headstone.

His grasp on the bouquet of flowers tightened as the memories filled with laughter and joy were followed by memories of everything that had happened afterwards. Eyes filled with sorrow, hair that stuck to the skin, and a bittersweet smile. Memories filled with pain and suffering.

But those too, were memories of a past long gone.

A quiet whisper fell from his lips.

“I hope you’re in a better place now.”

As he spoke, a sudden breeze blew through the field, tugging at the cloak that glimmered like the night sky. His blue hues were filled with an emotion he dared not to voice, shimmering with unshed tears as he looked upwards. The breeze had sent up a gust of white petals, illuminated by the orange glow of the setting sun.

The sorcerer swallowed harshly as he watched the petals fly up into the sky, his hand still holding onto the bouquet that he had conjured. A bittersweet smile graced his features, his gaze fixed on the horizon even as the petals fluttered out of sight.

After another moment, he stood up with a quiet sigh, his fingers brushing over the old headstone one last time, lingering along the edge before he finally pulled his hand away. A sad smile lingered as he turned away, the warmth of a single tear trailing down his cheek. His cloak fluttered around him as he started to walk away, a final sentence whispered softly into the wind.

“I look forward to when I can see you again.”

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