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  • Writer's pictureArin Light


Personalized Arinttack


Oc belongs to @pompurinrinn

Ft. Deuce Spade Twisted Wonderland

It had been a peaceful day, like a fresh breath of air compared to the chaotic trouble that seemed to follow her ever since she had arrived at NRC. She had won the bet with Deuce, her test scores improved considerably more than his, granting the opportunity to ask him for anything she wanted. Leading them to walking around the island, the first year explaining different aspects as they explored together.

“This is so pretty!”

Yuumin smiled, taking in the scenery surrounding them, cherry blossoms fluttering in the breeze as they reached the middle of the bridge. Deuce smiled softly, his hand gently holding hers, a hint of shy affection swimming in the teal depths of his eyes as he watched her enjoy the scenery. “Yeah, very pretty.”

Purple met teal as she turned to face him, her smile unwavering as her gaze focused on him. “Yuumin?”

Deuce was surprised by how he had managed to keep his voice steady, considering the butterflies that were in his stomach. His heart was pounding on her sweet gaze, unsure of what to do. Was she trying to tell him something? Or had he done something wrong? Or maybe she-

“There’s a petal in your hair.”

She reached up to brush it out of his hair, a quiet giggle leaving her lips. “Thank you for showing me around the island.” “Of course. You won the bet. I mean! I still would have even if you didn’t since we’re- we’re…”

“Since we’re dating?”

Even though she was teasing, her voice was soothing, helping the blue haired boy relax as he looked down at her affectionately.

“Yeah. And… I like spending time with you.”

Her eyes closed into happy crescents at his quiet confession, her hand squeezing his lightly.

“Me too, Deuce.”

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