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  • Writer's pictureArin Light

The Prideful Prince

Updated: Jun 30, 2021

Listen closely, and listen well for I’m about to tell you a story that has been nearly forgotten through the ages. One that has been passed down in our family for generations, going back farther back than any of us could imagine.

It all began long ago, when this land was much different from how it is now. When magic and heroes still existed. Back when lands were divided into kingdoms, ruled over by many different rulers. And among these was a land that became well known all over the world.

The land was prosperous, it’s people living in peace despite the chaos that sometimes surrounded them. The people never rebelled, and never struggled for food or shelter. It had good relations with all the surrounding kingdoms, somehow managing to stay neutral in all conflicts.

And all of this was thanks to the Crown Prince that rose to the throne at a young age, bearing the responsibility with ease.

His name was Lucifer. And this is the story of how he fell in love.


Smiling faces, busy merchants, vibrant colors. All these pass by in blur as you gaze out the window of your carriage. It was surprising, you hadn’t expected to see such a prospering town. Of course, you had heard the rumors, the words that were whispered from person to person, reaching every kingdom. Words of the flourishing and peaceful kingdom of the prideful prince.

“It seems all the news I heard was true. I thought the rumors were exaggerating, but it hardly does the kingdom justice.”

Your voice is filled with unfiltered curiosity, catching snippets of laughter and excited conversations as your carriage slows down, slowly reaching the palace. Your servants nod in agreement, just barely keeping their amazement in check as they follow your gaze to the two outside. Your kingdom was a neighboring land, and this was your first year attending the annual festival held to keep peace. Your father always refused your requests in the previous years, calling you his precious child and telling you that you had nothing to worry about. But even he could not deny that you had to take the throne someday.

I wonder what the Crown Prince is like? I know he’s in charge of most royal duties. Rumors always say that he’s prideful and strict. Some even go as far as to say that he’s uncompromising. But…

You paused, once more taking in the sights of happy people and flourishing markets. You lean out the window, smiling at the sweet smells carried by the gentle breeze.

Someone truly that harsh could never lead a prospering kingdom with people this happy.

Just as you’re about to voice your thoughts, the carriage comes to a halt. You smooth your clothes down, standing up as the door opens. The limited view of the palace is elegant, tastefully grand without overdoing it. And then a gloved hand comes into view, accompanied by a smooth voice.

“Thank you for joining us, Your Highness.”

“Thank you for hosting the festival.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

You smile gratefully, taking his hand as you step out of the carriage, doing your best to subtly inspect him. Raven black locks frame his face, and his ruby gaze glimmers with slight amusement as he gives you a charming smile. He leans down, giving the back of your hand a polite kiss before gesturing towards the palace.

“Shall we?”

“Of course. Lead the way…”

He’s quick to notice your hesitation, and as you start walking towards the palace he gives you a reassuring smile.

“Please, refer to me as Lucifer.”

“Lead the way, Lucifer.”

As you walk through the halls of the palace, you take the chance to learn what you can about him. He’s polite, and thoughtful, always keeping the conversation moving, morphing small talk into something that actually holds your attention. You arrive in a ballroom filled with royal and noble families of all nations before he excuses himself with a polite bow. Even as you meet others, you find your gaze wandering on the room, seeking out the ruby reds that glimmered with secrets untold. Yet each time you find them, you look away quickly, turning your attention back to whoever you were talking to at the time.

As the days pass by, you find yourself running into Lucifer whenever you wandered the palace or festival grounds. The first time it felt awkward. Everyone was out enjoying the festival, you had even sent your servants to enjoy it without worries. Your plan had been to relax in your room before heading there yourself.

Of course, you hadn’t expected to get horribly lost.

By some wrong turn, or wrong turns, you had found yourself in front of an unfamiliar door. Only to find out that it was his personal study. You apologized frantically, cheeks flushed as you quickly explained the situation. He had looked surprised, but soon his ruby gaze was filled with amusement as he stood from his desk. With a quiet chuckle, he invited you to join him, insisting that he had planned to join the festivities anyways.

Now that you looked back on it, maybe it had only been awkward for you.

The meetings and run-ins afterwards felt more natural, as if both of you were more at ease with one another. Each time you met, you learned more about him. His thoughtfulness. His charm. His wits. He was so much more than how people described him, and you finally understood how he was able to make such a large land peaceful and prosperous.

Dedication. Dedication to his title, the land, and most of all, to his people. You were surprised he was willing to talk about it all with you, almost as much as he was even if you didn’t know it. The Crown Prince was just as interested in you as you were in him.

It had been cute, the way you stumbled through an explanation, an apology falling from your lips with every other word the day you somehow arrived in his study. Something about your candid personality put him at ease, convincing him that you were someone like him. Someone who cared for the good of the kingdom, and of the people, more than caring for their own personal wealth or power.

He was so pleased to discover he had been right.

With each meeting he learned more about you. Your kindness. Your gentleness. Your spirit. With every word you spoke, he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with you. You were someone he could relate to, someone he came to trust. Someone who was as determined as he was to bring peace and happiness to the people.

Time passes all too quickly, the events and your time with him a blur as you walk the gardens on the last day. It’s quiet, most people enjoying the last day of the festival with joy. Yet your lips were graced with a wistful smile as you soaked in the warm sunlight, watching birds and butterflies flit from flower to flower.

I’m going to miss him…

Just as the thought runs through your mind, you find yourself looking into his knowing ruby red gaze. You blink once. Then twice. He really is standing right in front of you. The playful breeze scatters rose petals through the wind, but you barely notice as you watch him approach you. Lucifer gives you a knowing smile, taking your hand in his. You feel yourself blush slightly as he kisses the back of your hand, your eyes widening in surprise as he kneels to the ground.

“Your Highness. All my life, I never imagined I’d meet someone like you. You’re compassionate and gentle. Dedicated and willing. For all these reasons, and for so many more, I’ve fallen deeply in love with you. And I can think of no one better suited to rule by my side. ”

Your flush deepens, but before you can ask him what he’s doing he pulls a small box from his pocket. Suddenly, everything clicks in your mind. He was proposing. You stare at the silver ring, noticing the ruby that matched his eyes as he continues.

“Your Highness… Will you marry me?”

Your gaze softens, a bright smile gracing your lips as you nod in excitement. Lucifer smiles with relief, his ruby gaze filled with joy as he slides the ring onto your finger. You laugh lightly as he pulls you into a tight embrace and spins you around.

You could think of nothing better than spending the rest of your life by his side.

And he could think of nothing better than spending the rest of his life with you.


The wedding was said to be grand, inviting people from all kingdoms to enjoy the festivities. Together, they were able to strengthen the peace of both lands, and the kingdom prospered even more than before. Stories say the Crown Prince became softer after his marriage, his kindness more apparent than it had been before. The royal couple was beloved by all in their land. Their strength, kindness, and wisdom left many legends behind, until stories became fairy tales. But there is truth in all fairy tales.

All you need to do is believe.

art by: @Supermewkitty on twitter

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