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  • Writer's pictureArin Light

A Forest Proposal

He stood in the kitchen, feelings of nervous excitement stirring within him as he thought about the plans for the night. Ava was out looking for more possible information about her curse, giving him time to put everything together. They had agreed to have a picnic in the forest for dinner, and he planned to surprise her with a home cooked dinner.

At least, that was the original plan.

Keith let out a quiet sigh as he looked down at the food he had been trying to cook, charred beyond recognition. With a shake of his head, he tossed the food into the trash can as he glanced at the depleted ingredients. Despite his best efforts to do everything exactly as he was taught, it just wasn’t working out.

Maybe I should just order some take out…

His eyes glinted with a mixture of exasperation and amusement as he pushed his bangs out his face. If he started cleaning up now, he would have just enough time to pick up the food and prepare everything for the picnic before Ava arrived. He paused, a nervous smile gracing his lips as he pulled a small navy blue box out of his pocket. The golden ring that was made to look like a snake glimmered back at him reassuringly, bringing a sense of calm over him. At least one thing hadn't gone wrong. That was something right?

Everything will be fine. There’s no way she’ll say no to me.

He nodded in reassurance to himself as he tucked the box away, making sure that he didn’t misplace it as he started to clean up the kitchen. The take out had been ordered, the location set, the time planned. Everything would go smoothly. After all, he was the one who planned it. What could go wrong?


He waited by the front door, picnic basket in hand, happy to find that the summer breeze was keeping the evening warm. His white button up was smoothed down and tucked into the gray jeans he had chosen to wear for the occasion. His purple strands fluttered slightly in the playful breeze, the sound of soft footsteps behind him catching his attention. A fond smile tugged on his lips when he turned to see Ava walking towards him. Her wavy, black locks were decorated with a braided crown ending in a bun, the pink highlight framing her face with her bangs. The golden star clip glimmered in the evening sunlight as she stepped out of the house, smiling at him as he closed the door.

Keith shoved one hand in his pocket, taking a moment to admire her. She had chosen to wear his favorite color. A solid golden dress that went to her knees, covered in a light chiffon that encased her bare arms and flowed past the length of the solid fabric. Ava blinked at him in confusion, wondering why he wasn’t moving or talking.

“Hello? Keith? Is something wrong?”

He smirked as she leaned in, catching the hand that she had been waving playfully in his face. His smirk deepened when she blushed, and he wasted no time in lacing his fingers through hers, pulling her towards him gently. The close vicinity made her blush deeper, and Keith let out a chuckle as he placed a light kiss on her cheek.

“You look beautiful, Ava.”

His voice was softer than normal, not as playful as it usually was, and Ava’s pink gaze glimmered with curiosity. Before she could say anything to question it, his eyes took on a mischievous look, and his arm was suddenly wrapping around her waist. At some point, without her realization, the basket had been set down. Keith’s now free hand was playing with a lock of her hair, his gaze never leaving hers as he smirked once more.

“K-keith? What are you doing?”

“You look so cute when you blush, I couldn’t resist.” Ava pouted at these words, slightly smacking his shoulder as she pulled away with a quiet hmph. Keith winced at the impact, laughing as Ava stalked towards the forest without looking back. He looked after her fondly, his hand brushing over the box in his pocket before he picked up the basket of food and hurried after her.

“Ava, wait up!”

“No.” “Aw, come on. I was just teasing!”

He bit back a chuckle of amusement as he heard her let out an audible hmph. Making sure not to swing the basket, he quickly caught up to her and held her hand as they walked through the forest. Despite the blush that still lingered on Ava’s cheeks, she didn’t protest or pull away, silently enjoying the warmth of his hand in hers. Quiet words were exchanged as they walked, each talking about what they had done that day, as the path led them towards the clearing they planned to have the picnic.


When they finally reached the clearing, they paused to take in the view. The sky was still blue, decorated with the lush green leaves of the trees that surrounded them. Birdsong filled the air as butterflies flit from wildflower to wildflower, the vibrant colors adding a special charm to the clearing.

It felt magical.

Keith was the first one to move, letting go of Ava’s hand to set up the picnic blanket. As she waited for him to finish setting everything up, her eyes followed a blue butterfly that strayed away from the flowers. Her hands were clasped in front of her, the playful breeze tugging at the chiffon of her dress as she watched the butterfly move closer to her, smiling as it flit about her playfully before flying away. When she turned her attention back to Keith, she found him sitting on the pink picnic blanket, her favorite foods spread out in front of him.

Ava’s gaze lit up with excitement and awe as she hurried over to sit across from him, a bright smile gracing her lips. When he had suggested they go on a picnic, she had never expected him to prepare so much food. She picked up a fork, gratefully taking the plate that was handed to her as her eyes grazed over the various dishes that were prepared, hardly knowing where to begin.

“Keith… Where did you get all this food?”

“I made it.”


The bold statement almost made her drop her fork in surprise as she glanced from him to the food and back again. It looked so good, so well made, so different from how his usual cooking attempts went. He laughed lightly at her obvious shock, reaching out to ruffle her hair lightly before picking up a plat for himself.

“I’m just kidding. I ordered take out.”

Ava hummed thoughtfully as she started to serve herself, deciding to start with a little bit of everything. After all, they had all evening. Anything they didn’t eat now, they could eat later, or even take it home afterwards.

“Let me guess… You tried to cook, but then it got charred so bad you decided to change the plan?”


She giggled when he let out a huff that confirmed that she had been right in her speculations. She threw a smug smile in his direction, letting out another giggle at his offended expression. Ava gave him a playful wink, thinking that she had the upper hand for once.

“I’m right, aren’t I? Do I get a prize?”

Another giggle filled the air around them, mingling with the birdsong as her eyes fluttered shut, a smile on her face as she savored the taste of food. Realizing that Keith hadn’t responded, she opened her eyes curiously, prepared to prompt him for a proper answer. Only to have her voice die in her through. At some point, Keith had moved the food around, making it possible for him to scoot closer to her. There was a playful glint in his eyes as he leaned forward, one finger pushing her chin up so that their eyes met.

“A prize? Hmm, then do you want me?”


“That didn’t sound like an answer, Ava.”

She blinked rapidly, barely able to process the words that left his mouth. What did he mean? They were already in a committed relationship. Didn’t that mean he was hers already? Unless he meant- Her eyes widened at the realization, her suspicions confirmed by the widening smirk in front of her. Her cheeks puffed out as she pouted once more, lightly tapping him on the forehead to push him away.

“Let me enjoy my food in peace, Keith!”

Keith merely laughed in response, conceding as he also returned to his meal, his hand once more brushing over the small box in his pocket. It was almost time. His eyes gleamed with anticipation that he quickly hid, resuming his teasing smirk as they continued their meal with playful banter. Each moment, each blush, each giggle deepening his determination to spend the rest of his life with the black haired beauty in front of him.

By the time they finished eating, the setting sun had painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, changing the ambience of the clearing. After cleaning everything up together, Keith set the basket aside instead of picking it up. Ava tilts her head curiously, wondering why they weren’t getting ready to leave the clearing.

Keith flashed a fond smile at her, the playfulness melting away as he gently took her hand, lifting it in the air as if he were escorting her to a ball. Surprise flickered in her pink hues, but she played along, an amused smile gracing her lips as he gave her an exaggerated bow.

“May I have this dance?”

“Of course you may.” She responded in turn with an exaggerated curtsy, placing her hand on his shoulder as he pulled her close. Without hesitation, he spun her around, one arm wrapped around her waist to hold her steady. The warm light started to fade, and as they danced around, the clearing was soon filled with the soft, silver light of the moon. As the glimmering stars made their appearance, Ava stopped in place, her eyes widening in amazement at the sight that suddenly surrounded them. The elegant butterflies were replaced by sparkling yellow lights that danced around in the night air, casting an ethereal glow over them.

“Oh my gosh, Keith! Look at the fireflies! Aren’t they pretty?”

His gaze was full of fondness, fixed on Ava’s excited figure. Her black hair that seemed to shine in the silver light. The golden light of the fireflies reflected in her round eyes. Her golden dress that fluttered in the warm summer breeze. He moved slowly, pulling the box out of his pocket as he responded. “Very pretty.”

Ava turned to him, preparing to exclaim with excitement only to notice that he was getting down on one knee. Not fully understanding what he was doing, she took a step towards him, reaching out a hand to help him up.

“Keith? Did you drop something.”

He merely shook his head with a smile, briefly kissing the back of her hand before lifting the box, his gaze seeking out hers. A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he opened the box, letting the golden light of the fireflies illuminate the detailed snake ring. Her hands flew up to her cheeks, hiding the sudden flush as she blinked in surprise. As Keith’s sweet words reached her ears, she felt herself tear up, the sincerity in his voice convincing her that he meant every word.

“So… Ava, will you marry me?”

Ava wiped away her tears with an enthusiastic nod, wiping away her tears with a bright smile. Her mouth opened and closed, and she swallowed harshly, not completely trusting her voice. He smiled with fondness and understanding,

Keith gently took her hand, slipping the ring onto her left ring finger before placing another gentle kiss on the back of her hand. With a rush of excitement, he stood up, pulling her into a tight hug as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Ava.”

“Me too, Keith.”

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